Thursday, January 2, 2014

Banishing and Cleansing

Title: Banishing and Cleansing
Written By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

It has been asked, what the difference is between a banishing and a cleansing. For the purpose of what Rick and I do, this is how we define it.
A banishing is removing an entity from a home. Typically, one that is attached to a home or dwelling. 

A cleansing is removing negative energies from a person, home or dwelling using a depiction of the elements of the four quarters (North, South, East and West) combined with an audible chant. This is especially effective when dealing with "leftover" energies (spirits) which are lost or aimlessly wandering. Buildings are made of natural substances (literally born of the Earth), these substances can hold the essence or energies of people who have lived or worked in these dwellings. This is much like an old photo that "holds" a trace of the essence or energy of the person in it.

When determining which is needed in any given situation, it is important to have a strong sense of self and intuition as to what you are dealing with.

Much of what it takes is simply experience. If you do not have experience, study with someone who does before attempting to banish or cleanse on your own.  

NOTE: There are many ways to do any number of banishing or cleansings. There are three very important things you must have in order to do these effectively.
1. A knowing beyond all doubt.
2. A good idea of what or who you are dealing with.
3. Adequate tools and intention.

Final Thoughts:
No one person knows everything, each person does things different and finally; the ethereal is always in motion and one person cannot truly learn all there is about it in one lifetime.

You may contact me if you have questions.

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