Monday, January 20, 2014

Assisting those on the "Other Side"

Title: Assisting those on the "Other Side"
Written By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

People who are taught from childhood that voice in their head means something very, very wrong, learn to ignore them.  They grow up to fear being "put away" if they hear voices and so devise a way of ignoring them. Everyone can hear them! However, based on the way you are raised (someone else's belief)  determines what your belief is today. Some churches teach that if you hear voices, you are possessed. Others teach that ONLY the preacher, pastor or priest can hear them, because they are the words of God and no one else is worthy of such a gift, therefore, if you hear them you MUST be hearing Satan.  Interesting world we live in. Based on fear, lack, disempowerment and judgment. The worse one being judgment (of self). Okay, on with it! Everyone has the ability to listen and hear their Spirit Guides, ancestors and angels! All you need is just a bit of guidance! Oh....and you must give yourself permission to do it! The first step is releasing old beliefs and then begin to meditate. I suggest anything by Jose or Laura Silva. 
Those of us who have gotten to this place find it easier to "see" or "sense" entities of all kinds and levels. It helps with assisting them in various degrees to where they need to be or want to be, and that gives us all peace.

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