Monday, January 20, 2014

Assisting those on the "Other Side"

Title: Assisting those on the "Other Side"
Written By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

People who are taught from childhood that voice in their head means something very, very wrong, learn to ignore them.  They grow up to fear being "put away" if they hear voices and so devise a way of ignoring them. Everyone can hear them! However, based on the way you are raised (someone else's belief)  determines what your belief is today. Some churches teach that if you hear voices, you are possessed. Others teach that ONLY the preacher, pastor or priest can hear them, because they are the words of God and no one else is worthy of such a gift, therefore, if you hear them you MUST be hearing Satan.  Interesting world we live in. Based on fear, lack, disempowerment and judgment. The worse one being judgment (of self). Okay, on with it! Everyone has the ability to listen and hear their Spirit Guides, ancestors and angels! All you need is just a bit of guidance! Oh....and you must give yourself permission to do it! The first step is releasing old beliefs and then begin to meditate. I suggest anything by Jose or Laura Silva. 
Those of us who have gotten to this place find it easier to "see" or "sense" entities of all kinds and levels. It helps with assisting them in various degrees to where they need to be or want to be, and that gives us all peace.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fear, Focus and the Unknown

Fear, Focus and the Unknown
By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

Can you describe paranormal experiences without using the word fear? Too few to count, right? When people seek out Paranormal Investigators, they have typically reached the limits as to what they can deal with. There are those who want to be sure the sight and sounds ARE actually in their heads, and there those who are just curious.

Our minds are very protective of us! They will make excuses for us, open doors, close doors and they can even check out if we feel we are in danger.   

What you focus on .... you get. What you focus on with emotion ...  you get faster! If you focus on something you are afraid of, that focus will become a magnet to that fear. Think about this.....are you afraid of spiders or snakes? Just the thought of one of those huge hairy spiders makes you want to jump up and run! The more you focus on what you fear, just by virtue of the focus, you WILL attract it! Before the end of the day, you will have a hairy buddy showing up somewhere along the way. Sound strange? Try it! If you would rather focus on a twenty dollar bill, try that! It works just as well...only it has a different feeling to it, doesn't it? The hairy buddy, likely as not, will end up a hairy pancake, but the twenty bucks has way more possibilities attached to it!

So if someone moves into an old house, let's say, with no known history. And you run into an old friend while standing in line at the grocery store. Your friend asks you where you have moved to and you respond with "Oh the house at the end of Second street on the North side".  You friend says "I heard that something terrible happened in that house. For the life of me, I can't remember what or when, but I am certain I heard it somewhere".  So, the idea had been planted. The more specific the information, the greater the focus, the greater the focus, the faster the attraction! I am not saying that all paranormal experiences are created in someone's mind. I am suggesting that if a person who is fearing a paranormal experience, is seriously focusing on that fear, that can and oftentimes do, attract them. They become like a magnet! So, no matter where they move to, there are continually attracting more experiences.

Please keep in mind that this does not apply to every situation, it does happen often, however.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Title: Superstitions
Written By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

grew up in a home with an Italian Mother and a French Canadian Father. My Mother had so many superstitions that they became part of my life no matter what I was doing. I also remember even at a very young age that all my Mother's predictions came true or at the very least 95% of them did! So, I paid attention!

It is my belief today, that if you believe a superstition to be true, then it shall be! When you place your absolute knowing on something, you activate the energy inherent in it! So, the more vested in it, you are, the quicker it manifests!  This is the stuff of fears! (At least the negative ones.) Fear is a very powerful magnet! The more you focus on an event or expectation of an outcome ~ with fear, the quicker it manifests!

Here are a few superstitions listed in the Old Farmer's Almanac. See if any of them sound familiar to you!

There are many superstitions and old wives tales' about the house and home.
From our collection of folklore, here are some sayings for good luck in your home. 

Scatter Solomon's seal on the floor to banish serpents and venomous creatures from the room.
To protect your house from lightning, gather hazel tree branches on Palm Sunday and keep them in water.
Add caraway seeds to chicken feed to keep poultry from wandering. Feed the seeds to homing pigeons to help them find their way back.
Stuff fennel in your keyhole or hang it over your door to protect against witches.
Never carry a hoe into the house. If you do so by mistake, carry it out again, walking backward to avoid bad luck.
Never walk under a ladder, which is Satan's territory. If you must do it, cross your fingers or make the sign of the fig (closed fist, with thumb between index and middle fingers).
If you give a steel blade to a friend, make the recipient pay you a penny to avoid cutting the friendship.
Never give a knife as a housewarming present, or your new neighbor will become an enemy.
Never pound a nail after sundown, or you will wake the tree gods.
Nail an evergreen branch to new rafters to bring good luck. An empty hornets' nest, hung high, also will bring good luck to a house of any age.
When you move to a new house, always enter first with a loaf of bread and a new broom. Never bring an old broom into the house.

SOURCE: http://www.almanac.com/content/house-and-home-superstitions

If you would like to know more about removing your fears quickly, painlessly and forever, you may contact me at any time.


I slept and dreamt that life was joy. 
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
~ Rabindranath Tagore   

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Banishing and Cleansing

Title: Banishing and Cleansing
Written By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

It has been asked, what the difference is between a banishing and a cleansing. For the purpose of what Rick and I do, this is how we define it.
A banishing is removing an entity from a home. Typically, one that is attached to a home or dwelling. 

A cleansing is removing negative energies from a person, home or dwelling using a depiction of the elements of the four quarters (North, South, East and West) combined with an audible chant. This is especially effective when dealing with "leftover" energies (spirits) which are lost or aimlessly wandering. Buildings are made of natural substances (literally born of the Earth), these substances can hold the essence or energies of people who have lived or worked in these dwellings. This is much like an old photo that "holds" a trace of the essence or energy of the person in it.

When determining which is needed in any given situation, it is important to have a strong sense of self and intuition as to what you are dealing with.

Much of what it takes is simply experience. If you do not have experience, study with someone who does before attempting to banish or cleanse on your own.  

NOTE: There are many ways to do any number of banishing or cleansings. There are three very important things you must have in order to do these effectively.
1. A knowing beyond all doubt.
2. A good idea of what or who you are dealing with.
3. Adequate tools and intention.

Final Thoughts:
No one person knows everything, each person does things different and finally; the ethereal is always in motion and one person cannot truly learn all there is about it in one lifetime.

You may contact me if you have questions.