Title: Christmas Connections with Loved Ones
Written by: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston
At this time of year there are many emotions circling about. Some from childhood Christmases long ago passed, and other memories of loved ones who have crossed over. It is not unusual to have loved ones visit us from the other side during this time of year. Family members reminiscing of long-ago Christmases that were “perfect”, those that were “awful", those that were "memorable", and those that were forgettable. What makes Christmases (and Thanksgivings) especially receptive to those on the other side, is it the conversations that are about them or memorable experiences which include them. Holiday traditions are another way they are moved to draw near to us.
Here is what makes the veil a bit thinner during this time. Energy. Yes, once again I’m going to talk about energy! Let’s say that little Billy places a plate of cookies and a glass of milk (or peanuts and a beer) by the tree for Santa. Billy’s mom scoops him up and takes him to bed. In the short distance between the tree and his bed, Billy’s mom tells him about how her mom and dad would always read to her every Christmas Eve. She would tell him how her dad would always put the lights on the tree every year. She could still see him inspecting every light, and how he always had the sweetest smile while he was doing it. During those few minutes, Billy's mom has not only conjured up a very clear memory of her father, but also raise the energy in the room to a point where her dad felt wanted and welcome to join them. Later that night when she goes to bed, she might smell his cigar or hear a sound that is familiar from days gone by. Indeed her dad was there for a visit.
It takes energy to create ANYTHING, even and including memories. Those memories (one vibration) are quickened by our thoughts; verbalization (slightly higher vibration when followed by the latter) - which is a form of confirmation - combined with the agreement of another (Little Billy), who is agreeing to see his Grandfather’s memory by seeing him in his mind’s eye as he is being described by his mom.
So, this Christmas if you hear something, see you something, touch something, taste something or smelled something that reminds you of a loved one who has been on your mind a lot lately; send them your love with a virtual hug and acknowledgment. A timeless gift of honor.
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