Thursday, February 6, 2014

Connecting with your Spirit Guides or Angels

Title: Connecting with your Spirit Guides or Angels

Written By: Suzanne Lynn-Edmiston

I apologize for the Blog delay. We are in the middle of a move and it has me a bit scattered!

I have been asked recently if it is possible for them to contact or connect to their Spirit Guides or Angels.  (For the sake of ease and consistency, I will refer to them as your Angels.)The answer is absolutely yes! When you were born, you we connected with your Angels. Have you ever noticed how babies seem to be fascinated by "nothing"? They will coo and laugh when "no one" is in the room.  As children grow, they are taught by well-meaning parents that talking to themselves is not "right" or "normal". They are told that imaginary friends are not real and to "quit living in a fantasy world", as my mother used to say.  This of course, was because of her own fears. 

So, how does a person overcome years of being told what to believe? Everyone is different, because everyone was raised different. In order to release a belief that does not serve you, you must first intend it. If you are not okay with it, it will never happen. I carried a lot of mental baggage that had been gifted to me by well-meaning parents, so it took me a bit longer to okay with these steps) The first step I used was the techniques of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and/or TAT (Tapas AcupressureTechnique) both can be found on YouTube or the Internet. These techniques help to remove any negative belief that may stand in your way. 

The next thing, is learn to meditate. This is not critical, but it does help tremendously. I used the Silva Ultramind Method by Jose Silva. (I personally prefer Laura Silva's voice.) The idea of counting down from 10 and relaxing each muscle of the body as you work your way down in combination with the Alpha sound. It worked very well for me, and I tried everything!

After you have done these two steps, you will be in a better place to trust yourself and your mind. With that trust, you will learn to pay attention to everything around you, especially when you are alone. Twice a day, sit outside (sunrise and sunset is perfect), observe all that is in nature (keeping a journal for eight weeks is very important). Sit inside in a well lit room and observe your feelings and senses. Sit in a room that is completely dark, again, observing your feelings and senses. Don't push it. Don't judge. Just allow. After you have done this twice a day, for two weeks. Reread your journal, noting any changes. Now allow your awareness to expand six to eight feet around you. While in this state; open your heart awareness. Like attracts like! You will sense them before you hear them. You will not hear them with audible words, but the words will be heard within you mind. I know this sounds absolutely NUTS! I promise, it is true! People have a difficult time with trusting their mind. They believe that if they "hear" words in their mind that they are not  "theirs" then, it is time to find a fancy new jacket that buckles in the back.  Believe me, I KNOW! There is one absolute way of knowing that what you are hearing IS your angels! You have been gifted a Solar Plexus! It will never lie to you! The power of discernment  is YOURS! A marvelous gift that works well...every time! Another way of knowing the truth of it, is to ask yourself if what you are sensing and hearing a loving thing. Do those words encourage you? Do they bring you love, joy, hope, happiness? THAT is how you KNOW your angels are guiding you!

I will be teaching a class on this in late Spring, if you are interested, please contact me.

~ I slept and dreamt that life was joy. 
I awoke and saw that life was service. 
I acted and behold, service was joy. ~
Rabindranath Tagore